For full product specifications, dimensions, CE Marking, and information please see the below data sheets, which cover a wide range of products we manufacture and supply.

Masonry Reinforcement Data Sheets:
MSF Masonry Reinforcement, also known as Brickspan, and Bed Joint Reinforcement is primarily used to strengthen walls, Stainless Steel can be used on both inner and external bricks/blocks whereas galvanised is more suited to internal walls. Our Masonry Reinforcement aids to reduce cracking within walls and structures, as well as providing general support.
Our new Masonry Reinforcement data sheets detail the product specifications, dimensions, CE Marking, and Declaration of Performance for both Stainless Steel and Galvanised Masonry Reinforcement.

Tiespan Data Sheets:
As well as our standard MSF Masonry Reinforcement here at Mesh Supplies we supply and manufacture Tiespan.
MSF Tiespan is a ladder-type reinforcement designed for use in double-lead collar joint walls. Using a wall tie to connect the wires helps with on-site problems with heavy blocks. Using two 100mm blocks and a length of tiespan equates to a 215mm block.
Our Tiespan is made in the UK, using either Stainless or Galvanised 20mm Flat Wall Ties, and various wire diameters (including 3mm, 4mm, and 5mm).
For more information on any products or pricing and availability please don't hesitate to contact us on 01642 370 777, or email us at sales@mesh-supplies.co.uk