Chainlink Fencing

Chainlink is a type of mesh which is suitable for both garden and security fencing, and commonly seen surrounding areas such as tennis courts. It provides a secure, and stable partition, and an extremely effective and sturdy product. The chainlink is able to be fixed in place on to timber, metal and concrete fence posts.
The line wire is used for a range of purposes, such as industrial, construction and agricultural. And is available in a range of gauges and lengths.
*Please note line wire is not include with any of the rolls, and must be ordered separately.
Galvanised Chain Link Fencing:
The galvanised chanlink is made using a pre galvanised wire, and used for a range of residential, industrial, agricultural and sports related purposes the chanlink itself is a diamond shape mesh, available in a variety of heights, and wire diameters ranging from 2.0mm to 2.5mm, or 3.0mm wire.

Green PVC Coated Chainlink Fencing:
A pre galvanised wire which is then covered in a green PVC coating, using either a sintering or extrusion process. Used for a range of residential, industrial, agricultural and sports related purposes the Galvanised Chainlink is a diamond shape mesh, available in a variety of heights, and wire diameters ranging from a 1.7mm/2.5mm wire, to a 2.1mm/3.1mm wire.

As well as coming in various standard sizes, we are able to cut most meshes to your exact requirements, making sure the mesh is suitable for its intended use upon delivery, for more information regarding pricing and availability please don't hesitate to contact us on either 01642 370 777, or email us at sales@mesh-supplies.co.uk